Responsibly Sourced Proteins


There is a growing number of people who are interested in eating less meat, but having animal protein can be an important part of a healthy diet.

It can be a great source of bioavailable nutrients including protein, iron, B12, zinc, and selenium, necessary for muscle and bone strength, cognitive function, blood sugar balance, and immunity.

Industrialization of meat was based on the discovery that animals could be kept inside and fed grains, and bred to grow larger in the more desirable parts, faster.

This technique takes a huge toll on the environment by using large amounts of water, energy, and land, produces a significant amount of carbon dioxide-equivalent gases contributing to climate change, and pollutes water with nutrients from fertilizers, pesticides, feed additives, and drug residues. The impact is negative for the animals and people who work for and live near the factory farms.

All to produce meat that has lower nutritional value, with reduced amounts of key nutrients and higher amounts of fat with a less of beneficial ratio of omega-3 to omega-6, and may be riddled with unwanted chemicals such as antibiotics.

This can be prevented by choosing responsibly sourced proteins. There are other agricultural models, such as biodynamic farming and permaculture, that produce more healthful meats while having a positive impact on the environment.

Dr. Cristina Allen, ND


the Health Impacts of Stress


Winter Lifestyle Medicine