Tawny Daylily


Tawny Daylily (Hemerocallis fulva) blossoms are back! These beauties are also known as the poor man's asparagus, and are semi-wild flower growing in abundance... including my front yard!


What I learned after eating all the plants edible parts (flowers, buds, tubers), the buds were my favourites. They have a bit of a pop and taste like a combo of beans and radishes, and taste fabulous quickly sautéed in a bit of butter or grilled on the grill.

I also use the flowers as a thickening agent in replacement of corn starch when making hot and sour soup.

These flowers medicinal action is to support liver detoxification.


Caution: eat these in moderation, some people are allergic and can cause some stomach upset.

Dr. Cristina Allen ND


Ghost Pipe


St. John's Wort