

I suffer from asthma. I have had it since as long as I can remember. Sometimes, I wonder what would it be like if my lungs were optimal, cause I feel pretty damn healthy as it is. What would healthier feel like?

It took me until my adult life to figure out how to make asthma a less significant part of my life. Through conventional means, the only management that was offered to me was inhalers.

By chance, I was able to find other ways to manage it. Going through a large part of my life punk, straight edge, and vegan (at the same time and not) I realized I had triggers - something that was never even mentioned to me even after multiple asthma attacks landing me in the hospital.

Asthma is an inflammatory condition of the lungs. Inflammation causes a narrowing in the airways resulting in coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

So, what causes the inflammation? Triggers.

The most common triggers discussed between doctors and patients are cold air, exercise, environmental allergens like cats and pollen.

In reality, triggers can be anything that creates inflammation in the body, so food, additives, stress, dehydration, medications, pollution, are some of the many other things that should also be considered as triggers. And it could be a combination of these.

So for those with asthma, treatment should largely be focused on prevention. Identify triggers, avoid if possible. Promote a reduction of inflammation in the body. Then use additional treatments to fill in the gaps or give boosts where needed.


Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) is a common edible plant with a variety of applications. Easily identifiable by its tall pole-like stem that ends with a spike of dense small yellow flowers and velvety leaves, it can be used as a torch when dried, and medicinally to treat respiratory complaints such as cough, bronchitis, and asthma. Traditionally it was smoked to treat these conditions, but today is used more commonly in tea, tincture, or capsule form.


Dr. Cristina Allen ND



