I was gifted these eggs from a very kind family. Their kid could identify which chicken produced which eggs by their individual shapes and colours, which brought me so much joy!
Eggs have been a very controversial food over the last decade. There was a period in time that Harvard University said that eggs increased risk of stroke and heart disease due to their high cholesterol content, to such an extent that they stated the only reason to eat eggs was if you were on your death bed and in dire need of nutrients. Essentially a zombie. Now, the story has changed.
Current research shows that eggs can be eaten in moderation, moderation being the key term. Although they do contain cholesterol, the negative impact on cardiovascular health is minimal if people are limited to one egg per day.
Moral of the story? Balance. There's a tipping point where too many eggs does increase your risk of cardiovascular disease and outweighs their benefit as a good source of protein. I suggest to my patients that breakfast should be varied, keeping eggs for breakfast to only once or twice a week.
Dr. Cristina Allen ND